Please see below for the various registrations options below by scrolling between the different ticket types. Regular and late priced tickets will appear after the Early Bird registration deadline (please see Eventbrite) has passed. The regular price will be ~$15 on top of the Early Bird price.
Flip phone horizontally, if accessing from mobile.
When you register, Eventbrite will ask you whether you want to participate in the poster and paper competitions. And if the answer is "yes", it will give you Google form links for uploading your files. The files do not have to be uploaded at the time of the registration, but we should receive them by the specified deadlines for the respective competitions.
You can purchase registrations for up to 30 people at a time, but then you'll have to enter data and answer questions/agree to waivers on their behalf. It will be presumed that you have shown them the legal waivers and they have agreed to them, if they use the tickets. Please make sure that this is true. Eventbrite does allow you to populate data for multiple people based on the first entry.
Your friends and family can watch you compete in the Chem-E-Car competition for free from home using the "ChemE Car Contest Virtual Spectator" ticket.
Refund Policy: On a case-by-case basis.
You can register either by going to or by filling out the embedded form below:
Does NJIT require visitors to the campus to be vaccinated or produce a negative COVID-19 test?
No, Visitors are not required to be vaccinated or to provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 test prior to coming to NJIT.
Do I need to wear a mask?
At present, yes. On August 1, 2021, based on CDC and state guidelines, the requirement to wear a mask indoors regardless of vaccination status was put into place. Any changes to this requirement will be communicated at the appropriate time.
Masks are not required, regardless of vaccination status, in outdoor areas. Some individuals may choose to wear a mask even if fully vaccinated and should feel comfortable doing so.
Please note that the info above is subject to change due to the evolving pandemic situation. For the latest updates please see the visitor information here:
AIChE - Global Free Student Membership:
Join AIChE - Global for free as an undergraduate student in the United States. Benefits of joining include enriching your professional development, access to scholarships and awards, job search services, and more! Follow this link for more information and access to the sign-up. |
All participants are expected to behave in accordance to the AIChE Meeting Code of Conduct:
AIChE Volunteer and Meeting Attendee Conduct Guidelines AIChE’s volunteers are the core of the Institute and make all of its programs, conferences and educational efforts possible. These offerings provide excellent opportunities for AIChE members and meeting attendees to gain greater technical expertise, grow their networks, and enhance their careers. AIChE events provide engineers, scientists, and students a platform to present, discuss, publish and exhibit their discoveries and technical advances. At all times, volunteers and meeting attendees should act in accordance with AIChE’s Code of Ethics, upholding and advancing the integrity, honor and dignity of the chemical engineering profession. AIChE’s Board of Directors has developed these guidelines to foster a positive environment of trust, respect, open communications, and ethical behavior. These guidelines apply to meetings, conferences, workshops, courses and other events organized by AIChE or any of its entities and also to volunteers who conduct other business and affairs on behalf of AIChE. Specifically
- Volunteers and meeting attendees should understand and support AIChE’s Code of Ethics.
- Volunteers and meeting attendees should contribute to a collegial, inclusive, positive and respectful environment for fellow volunteers and attendees, and other stakeholders, including AIChE staff.
- Volunteers and meeting attendees should avoid making inappropriate statements or taking inappropriate action based on race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, marital status, political affiliation, presence of disabilities, or educational background. We should show consistent respect for colleagues, regardless of discipline, employment status, and organizations for which they work, whether industry, academia, or government.
- Disruptive, harassing or other inappropriate statements or behavior toward other volunteers, members, and other stakeholders, including AIChE staff, is unacceptable.
- Volunteers and meeting attendees should obey all applicable laws and regulations of the relevant governmental authorities while volunteering or attending meetings. Volunteers and meeting attendees taking part in any AIChE event, including the ChemECar CompetitionTM, should also comply with all applicable safety guidelines. Violations of this conduct policy should be reported promptly to the AIChE President or Executive Director.